Happy New Year 2016 – Weekly Waypoint No. 6

Weekly Waypoint

number 6 |

Happy New Year! We are very excited to see just how much time we can spend on the water and/or at a marina this year. We are working on plans for even more (2nd Annual Father’s Day Flotilla in June) events in 2016, stay tuned! The boat show is coming up in a few more weeks, we are already out and about to deliver some sneak peaks for your viewing pleasure.



  1. Jacques-Yves Cousteau sailed all over the world on the Calypso. Restoration has finally begun after an accident 20 years ago this week. Where was the Calypso built?
  2. Perched between East and West Bancroft Islands you will find this boating destination.
  3. How did Camano Island and Saratoga Passage get their names?
  4. The historic Weyerhaeuser building (next to West Marine in Everett) is being moved (within the Port of Everett’s Waterfront Place project) and re-purposed as… ?
Answers at the bottom of the page...

Nautical “Term(s) of the Week”

Ebb Tide –  The period between high tide and low tide, during which water flows away from the shore.

Flood Tide – The incoming or rising tide, occurring between the time when the tide is lowest and the time when the following tide is highest.

(Suggestions? Send us your questions…   editor@cruisingnw.com )

Boat Show preview…seattle boat show thumb

We’ll be checking in with some participants to get a sneak preview of what will be on display at the Seattle Boat Show!

Be on the lookout for some news from Lake Union Sea Ray, Seattle Boat Company, Jacobsen’s Marine, Hampton Yacht Group and more…

Destination of the Week100_2512

Gig Harbor

Arguably the hot spot for cruising in the South Sound. Gig Harbor is a great spot to enjoy any time of year. The Tides Tavern is a main stay, Arabellas Landing right in the middle of it all and Gig Harbor Marina & Boatyard is thriving under their new ownership.

Check out our Destination Gig Harbor page!

CruisingNW’s Meme of the week…

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|1. In Ballard, Seattle, WA. It launched in 1942 as BYMS 26, a minesweeper, for the US Navy at the Ballard Marine Railway Yard. The yard became Pacific Fisherman in 1946.

| 2. Port Harvey Marine Resort (Johnstone Strait area towards the Broughtons)

| 3. Camano Island is named for the Spanish explorer Jacinto Caamaño. Charles Wilkes, during the Wilkes Expedition of 1838–1842, named it MacDonough Island in honor of Thomas MacDonough for his victory of the Battle of Lake Champlain during the War of 1812. Following this theme, Wilkes named the body of water between Camano and Whidbey Island after MacDonough’s flagship the Saratoga. When Henry Kellett reorganized the official British Admiralty charts in 1847, he removed Wilkes’ name MacDonough and bestowed the name Camano, which the Spanish had originally given to Admiralty Inlet in 1790. Wilkes’ name Saratoga Passage was retained.

| 4.  A clubhouse for marina groups, including the Milltown Sailing Association, the Mukilteo Yacht Club, the Everett Sail and Power Squadron, and the Everett Sea Scouts.

Thank you to our keel club supporters!

flag 2 ballard marine vikingbay sq sjc-logo LCM_ColorLogo
foamshop Roche Harbor Logo

All a part of our goal to Discover, expose, share and celebrate everything that is Cruising in the Northwest !

1 Comment

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  1. Thanks Troy for keeping me up to date.

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